Touristology is a paradigm shift!

I like to be up-to-date with complex systems. I use related methodology while doing my PhD and I found (still find, indeed) great applications for it in our beloved sector. What do you think? “Complex Systems … investigates how relationships between parts give rise to...

Revenue Management Study Case

I promise my Touristologists to bring/give to this blog a couple of study cases in order to practice Revenue Management Framework. The other day I gave the first but I promised two. Do you want the second? Here you have it! As I said in the first one…Feel free to...

Cuenta Satélite de Turismo

La CST fue aprobada en el año 2000 después de diecisiete años de estudio y preparación en la que participaron organismos tan importantes como la OMT, OCDE, Eurostat y WTTC (Consejo Mundial de Turismo), bajo al dirección y supervisión de la ONU. En ella se incluyen...