by Jordi Oller | Nov 3, 2012 | Grau, Màster, Sense categoria
The other day we talked about Top-Down versus Bottom-up approach in Tourism. Today I would like to use these ideas in Web-Engineering (I know, I know… Can you talk about other things apart from Touristology and Web-Engineering? Yes! But not here or at least not...
by Jordi Oller | Oct 6, 2012 | Grau, Màster, Sense categoria
As you know, I have two intellectual lovers: Touristology and Web-Engineering, which I think are strongly related. A case in point, a few days ago I went to a Tourist destination trying to dynamize their tourism activities. You know, the usual rules which make me love...
by Jordi Oller | Sep 16, 2012 | Grau, Màster, Sense categoria
Is Revenue Management a tool worth having for a Touristologist? YES! But it’s not a tool it’s a way to manage hotels focusing on PROFITS and coordinating all the departments of the hotel and all the members of the chain of value! At least this is my vision for Revenue...
by Jordi Oller | Jun 12, 2012 | Grau, Màster, Sense categoria
A sort of summary: At the end of the day, in this post I want to highlight … 1) In all sectors usually it’s better first generic and then specialized, BUT in tourism as I try to prove here is just the other way around! 2) In all sectors (and Social Networking Sites,...
by Lluís Codinas | Jun 6, 2012 | Grau, Màster, Sense categoria
LA INTERRALACIÓ DE L’ EMPRESA I UNIVERSITAT: La universitat forma futurs professionals i emprenedors amb un conjunt de continguts teòrics, unes actituds, uns valors i unes competències professionals i alhora ha de donar resposta a les necessitats formatives de les...
by Jordi Oller | May 22, 2012 | Grau, Màster, OCITUR, Sense categoria
The other day we talked about the future of mobile. I recommended you a good presentation about it and I claimed that something was missing… The future of mobile passes through providing good Servuction! In this presentation, the authors highlight the increase on the...