Web Services OR Web Scraping?

The other day we talked about Top-Down versus Bottom-up approach in Tourism. Today I would like to use these ideas in Web-Engineering (I know, I know… Can you talk about other things apart from Touristology and Web-Engineering? Yes! But not here or at least not...

Top-Down versus Bottom-Up approach

As you know, I have two intellectual lovers: Touristology and Web-Engineering, which I think are strongly related. A case in point, a few days ago I went to a Tourist destination trying to dynamize their tourism activities. You know, the usual rules which make me love...

El binomi Universitat-Empresa

LA INTERRALACIÓ DE L’ EMPRESA I UNIVERSITAT:   La universitat forma futurs professionals i emprenedors amb un conjunt de continguts teòrics, unes actituds, uns valors i unes competències professionals i alhora ha de donar resposta a les necessitats formatives de les...

Can Servuction be a game?

The other day we talked about the future of mobile. I recommended you a good presentation about it and I claimed that something was missing… The future of mobile passes through providing good Servuction! In this presentation, the authors highlight the increase on the...