by Jordi Oller | Mar 24, 2015 | Grau, Sense categoria
Sometimes, Touristologists improving their studies abroad ask me advice about what to do next. My Advice? Look for a travel agency willing to send tourists to your native country OR for a chain of hotels willing to open/manage a hotel in your native country OR for an...
by Jordi Oller | Feb 10, 2015 | Sense categoria
In the year 2000 I presented my doctoral thesis about how to apply complex systems in the Tourism sector (it was all about adding value through customized 3 C’s: Content, Commerce and Community). Even though I was (and still am) a Touristologist builder, I have always...
by Jordi Oller | Jan 7, 2015 | Sense categoria
Of course, Touristologists!!! At the end of the day, a cruise is a kind of Hotel/Resort with similar behavior to a transport company. We have to remember that the average length of stay in a cruise is seven days doing 3-4 stops. So, you go to places, but most of the...
by Dr. Josep Maria Raya | Jan 6, 2015 | Sense categoria
La ciutat de Mataró (Barcelona ) va acollir entre els dies 29 de juny a 2 de juliol el Congrés OCITUR’14, que es va celebrar conjuntament amb The Fourth International Conference on Tourism between China and Spain (ICTCHS2014), centrada en les relacions entre els dos...
by Dr. Josep Maria Raya | Jan 6, 2015 | Sense categoria
És rendible l’educació universitària en Turisme? Cada dia, com a professors universitaris, ens enfrontem a la mirada plena de llum d’estudiants plens d’esperances pel que fa al seu futur professional un cop es graduïn. No obstant això, les dades del mercat laboral...
by Dr. Josep Maria Raya | Jan 6, 2015 | Sense categoria
Corporate Social Responsibility in Human Resource Management: An analysis of common practices and their determinants in Spain This paper examines the scope, types, and degree of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices currently employed in human resource...