Winners and losers in Tourism

Which Company/Tourism destination will win in Tourism? The one(s) giving support to the Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip! Will WoT/IoT help to give this support? Definitely! Will Blockchain /Smart Contracts help to give this support? Definitely!...

Let’s code some dreams!!!

One month ago… this was my tweet! Teaching my students how to code his/her dreams in native mobile apps (iOS/Android) is one of the most gratifying things in my life!!! On Monday I will practice it! It will be the first day of a new subject! I love first days!!! I...

Help the world to help YOU!!!

Some time ago, I wrote down a manual about Touristology, where I explained that we live in a connected world (I was following the ideas of Thomas Friedman and his marvelous book “The world is flat”). This connected world is especially true in tourism. We can do...

Groups, S3 and Your own SnS!

Last week, I had the opportunity to be a Lecturer in a Master for future Entrepreneurs.  It was very interesting and I, really, enjoyed the experience! During the sessions appeared one of the usual questions of OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or startup...