by Jordi Oller | Sep 2, 2014 | General, Grau
PMS is one the most famous /well-known software in the lodging industry. If you don’t know about tourism maybe a definition is needed… WAIT! You don’t know about tourism? What the heck are you doing here? 8-) Just joking!!!! If you believe that Tourism is the best...
by Miquel Roca | Jul 9, 2014 | General
En anteriors entrades ja hem parlat del Graf de Trams de Carrer (GTC). El GTC és un conjunt de segments connectats per nodes per on poden circular els vianants de la ciutat per fer els seus trajectes a peu dins de la vila (vegeu l’entrada: ‘Sobre el Graf de Trams...
by Jordi Oller | Jul 3, 2014 | General, Grau
Maybe, you don’t know yet, because you’re still in your cocoon and you are afraid… BUT you are HERE following your guts, feeling down in your heart that you want to become a Touristologists!!! Some of you, will say – I’m NOT afraid.. I have my reasons Well, you...
by Isaac Flores Martínez | Jun 19, 2014 | General
En l’anterior entrada del bloc s’ha explicat l’aplicació “generador de polígons de Voronoi” des del punt de vista d’un programador, en aquest capítol s’explicarà com funciona des del punt de vista de l’usuari. Es...
by Isaac Flores Martínez | Jun 19, 2014 | General
En aquesta entrada es comentarà de forma extensa el nou mòdul del CCU “generador de polígons de Voronoi” des de el punt de vista del programador. La funció d’aquesta nova aplicació serà la de poder generar zones d’influència per els diversos...
by Jordi Oller | Jun 3, 2014 | General
Once upon a Time, there was a medium-size village dreaming about employment and wealth creation through tourism. They had neighboring villages dealing with generic tourism and they were concerned about threats to their culture and way of life… In a restaurant, in the...