This is My Advice, Touristologists!!!

Sometimes, Touristologists improving their studies abroad ask me advice about what to do next. My Advice? Look for a travel agency willing to send tourists to your native country OR for a chain of hotels willing to open/manage a hotel in your native country OR for an...

Industria 4.0

El proper mes d’Abril es celebra a Hannover la seva tradicional fira industrial, amb l’Automatització i les Tecnologies de la Informació aplicades a la industria com un dels sectors principals. Aquesta any, els principals fabricants alemanys presenten un bon grapat de...

Customization is the name of the game!

In the year 2000 I presented my doctoral thesis about how to apply complex systems in the Tourism sector (it was all about adding value through customized 3 C’s: Content, Commerce and Community). Even though I was (and still am) a Touristologist builder, I have always...

Can you apply Touristology to cruises?

Of course, Touristologists!!! At the end of the day, a cruise is a kind of Hotel/Resort with similar behavior to a transport company. We have to remember that the average length of stay in a cruise is seven days doing 3-4 stops. So, you go to places, but most of the...