El valor afegit i les experiències en el turisme
El pes del sector turístic sobre el total del PIB espanyol i català mostra com el turisme és d’important i com va guanyant pes. Aquesta tendència a l’alça, ve donada per diversos motius. Per una banda, un augment de renda de la demanda de turisme que creix més que de...
read moreL’administrador de somnis
Quan una persona s’acosta als nostres locals per consumir els nostres serveis, es converteixen en hostes, comensals o visitants. En aquell moment, l’únic que volen és que els seus somnis, que durant tot l’any han anat engruixint, es converteixin en realitat. Vacances,...
read morePer què els Turistòl@gs hem de saber de tecnologia?
Viatjar és una necessitat bàsica de l’esser humà i, com totes les altres necessitats bàsiques (menjar, dormir, aprendre, sexe...), necessita d’una Ciència pel seu estudi i propostes per satisfer-la de la manera més eficaç i eficient possible. La Turistologia que...
read moreFitur 38a edició: la gran festa del turisme mundial
Des de figurants disfressats de moros i cristians fins a les darreres aportacions de la tecnologia aplicada al turisme. Èxit de professionals, expositors i públic. Venim d'una edició, la del 2017, amb unes xifres realment bones; 165 països participants, 7.500...
read moreL’ocupabilitat en el sector turístic: El cas de l’Estat Espanyol i Catalunya
L'ocupabilitat en el sector turístic: El cas de l'Estat Espanyol i Catalunya Aquest article és una síntesi d'un treball de recerca que vaig portar a terme. Els diferents subsectors del turisme generen una infinitat d'ocupacions amb un nivell formatiu que condiciona la...
read moreGenerating and compensating demand. Increasing profits!
The old Yield/Revenue Management idea of a single demand curve is over. We have to generate demand/s with new segments. We have to compensate current demand with the new ones. We have to increase profits. We have to reinvent Yield/Revenue Management. The other day, I...
read moreCreate something ORIGINAL for specialized segments!
These weeks have been very intense! A proposal to create a start-up, a consultancy, the first classes and seminars…. I love intense times related to Touristology!!! A copyologist’s thought that has appeared over and over during these activities it is the idea that...
read moreAre Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning (ML) the new, new thing?
This summer I have been doing an intellectual travel deep inside Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning (ML). I mean, I listened to videos, read books, talked with experts and in parallel I began to use this knowledge developing native mobile apps and thinking...
read moreIs Tourism OUR oil?
The other day, I was learning about Nigeria one of the most powerful countries in Africa. Nowadays they try to create start-ups based on new technologies, they try to educate its population in coding skills… Perfect! I also learned that they had oil… BUT the...
read moreIs the gig economy related to generic or specialized Tourism? BOTH!!!
The other day, a group of Touristologists decided to give a presentation about Waynabox a new OTA in the European field selling trips AND SURPRISES! Interesting enterprise! But… generic! Basically, because the main driver for the Tourists, airline companies, hotels...
read moreWinners and losers in Tourism
Which Company/Tourism destination will win in Tourism? The one(s) giving support to the Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip! Will WoT/IoT help to give this support? Definitely! Will Blockchain /Smart Contracts help to give this support? Definitely!...
read moreLet’s code some dreams!!!
One month ago… this was my tweet! Teaching my students how to code his/her dreams in native mobile apps (iOS/Android) is one of the most gratifying things in my life!!! On Monday I will practice it! It will be the first day of a new subject! I love first days!!! I...
read moreHelp the world to help YOU!!!
Some time ago, I wrote down a manual about Touristology, where I explained that we live in a connected world (I was following the ideas of Thomas Friedman and his marvelous book “The world is flat”). This connected world is especially true in tourism. We can do...
read moreGroups, S3 and Your own SnS!
Last week, I had the opportunity to be a Lecturer in a Master for future Entrepreneurs. It was very interesting and I, really, enjoyed the experience! During the sessions appeared one of the usual questions of OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or startup...
read moreFind your own guitar, Touristologist!
I love Christmas time! Time to enjoy with my family and go deeper into my coding skills! The other day, I was trying to cheer up my daughter. She was having the usual adolescents’ problems, that are a big disaster one day and nothing to remember after 24 hours...
read moreExperience? SURE! But… the right one!
You can be an “expert” in almost anything just studying the subject and then practicing a little bit what you have learned, but there are some exceptions… In order to get proficiency in English you must act (talk/write/read/THINK). In order to be good in Martial Arts...
read moreCreate Touristologists! Create disruptors! Create survivors!
Robots and Artificial intelligence will steal SOME jobs… Be sure that are NOT the kind of jobs your Touristologists are able to do! Be sure that your Touristologists can do what robots and AI can’t! The other day, I was doing my usual routine… Hatha Yoga for warming...
read moreThree main threats/opportunities for hotels.
The other day I shared this video in OUR twitter account. Today, I want to provide a wider review. At the end of the day, Accor's strategic action, try to give a successful answer to one of the three main threats/opportunities facing hotels companies nowadays. For...
read moreYOU have to change the way we enjoy, manage and define Tourism!!!
Asian tourists going to a small village next to Oxford? Because somebody told them that Harry Potter scenes were shot there OR because somebody told them that they will find love when they return? People going to a tourist destination because they can catch a Pokémon?...
read moreA l’empresa com a la universitat…S’han de connectar departaments i assignatures!
El passat dimecres dia 4 de Maig, els professors del doble grau en Turisme i ADE, Lluís Codinas ( que imparteix l’assignatura de Recursos Humans) i Jordi Oller (que imparteix l’assignatura d’Operacions i processos) van gaudir amb els seus alumnes i...
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